
How much BPO should you actually be using for acne? | CC Podcast #111

When it comes to fighting acne, benzoyl peroxide has been around for so long it almost seems like it’s old-fashioned. However, because of its long history, BPO has a lot of great data and of the ingredients out there we actually have a very good understanding how it works to reduce breakouts. But are we actually using the right concentration? We dive into the research and discuss what concentrations we should all be trying to target and why. 1:32 | What is benzoyl peroxide? 13:51 | How much B...

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Is Salicylic Acid a Must In Your Acne Routine? | CC Podcast #110

Salicylic acid is probably the most common active ingredient you’ll run into when putting together your acne routine. But is it actually a must have? What kind of acne can it actually treat? In this episode, we dive into a few key clinical studies that look at just what 2% salicylic acid really bring to your routine.

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Are Collagen Supplements a Scam? | CC Podcast #109

One of the more popular questions we get is about collagen supplements and whether or not it’s a scam. We’d be lying if we said we haven’t been avoiding this one, but no longer! In this episode, we go through the clinical data. We discuss why it’s so hard to shop for good collagen supplements. Finally, we list our shopping tips and things to consider if you’re thinking of adding this to your beauty routine. 0:43 | What is Collagen? 6:21 | Are Collagen Supplements Actually Helpful for Skin? 34...

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Best of 30 for 30 Sunscreen Challenge Pt. 2 | CC Podcast #108

After testing 30 sunscreens in 30 days, we’re finally going through our favorites! There was so much to discuss that this ended up turning into a 2 part segment. In part 2, we talked about our thoughts on baby sunscreens, international sunscreens, things we’d do differently in the future, and… pangolins? Let’s wrap the sunscreen series! 0:30 | Our thoughts on the best baby sunscreen 4:50 | The struggle with sunscreen sticks and sprays 7:20 | Top International (Asia & EU) Formulas 19:30 | Anim...

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Best of 30 for 30 Sunscreen Challenge Pt. 1 | CC Podcast #107

After testing 30 sunscreens in 30 days, we’re finally going through our favorites! There was so much to discuss that this ended up turning into a 2 part segment. In part 1, we discuss what factored into our ratings and why. We then go through our “0 star” ratings and why they were so painful. Finally, we discuss our favorites for the mineral and tinted category! Hope you enjoy as we tell all in our journey to trialing another 30 sunscreens for 2024. 2:11 | How We Rated the Sunscreens 11:50 | ...

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Which Toner Would You Use? | CC Podcast Ep 105

This week we’re taking a break from skincare ingredients, and we’re talking about products. Specifically, toners! Toners will forever be a land of mystery. This category seems to always ends up in the spotlight, there are too many to choose from, and the claims can be all over the place. We decided to break down the product landscape, discuss some of the most popular toners of 2024, and weigh in on which toners we would want to use in our routine. It’s toner time! 2:09 | What is a Toner? 6:40...

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Does Tranexamic Acid Have Any Benefits for Skin? | CC Podcast #104

When tranexamic acid started gaining popularity a few years back, it felt similar to CBD. Suddenly it seemed like every brand was using it, but there didn’t seem to be a lot of data shared on its effectiveness. In this episode, the chemists share the benefits that tranexamic acid can bring to skin, go through the testing (if any), and discuss whether or not it’s a worthy addition to your skincare routine. 4:05 | What is Tranexamic Acid? 11:53 | What Does Tranexamic Acid Do For Skin? 27:16 | H...

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Because of the limitations of azelaic acid, it only makes sense that azelaic acid derviative, potassium azeloyl diglycinate is on the rise! We dive into whether or not this is a good replacement for azelaic acid, what are its actual benefits, and how to use PAD in your skincare routine! 1:21 | What is azelaic acid derivative, potassium azeloyl diglycinate (PAD)? 7:58 | What does PAD do for skin? 28:55 | How to use PAD in your skincare routine

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Does 10% Azelaic Acid do Anything for Skin? | CC Podcast #102

The chemists don’t talk about this ingredient as much as they probably should but azelaic acid has a solid amount of data behind it…at the prescription level 15-20% concentration. Naturally, you have to wonder if the 10% azelaic acid products you can purchase as a cosmetic would actually do anything for skin? They dissect the benefits of azelaic acid, discuss the formulation challenges behind this active, and ultimately how they would use a 10% azelaic acid product in their routine. 1:37 | Wh...

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Do You Need a Cleansing Oil to Remove Sunscreen? | CC Podcast #101

The chemists are gearing up for their 30 for 30 sunscreen challenge test! So naturally this is a great time to check up on some of the latest studies on sunscreens. We cover a large survey study on people’s sunscreen application habits (spoiler alert: it’s not great), an oil based vs water based cleanser study on sunscreen removal, a new J&J SPF50 vs SPF100 study, and an update on the ongoing studies on sunscreen’s impact on coral reef. 1:33 | Survey of 2000+ people and their sunscreen applic...

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Plant stuff that should be on your radar (bisabolol, turmeric extract, and indian frankincense) | CC Podcast #99

We’re back in the realm of plant extracts in skincare! This is a realm where real clinical data is quite sparse. So even simple questions like “does this extract work?” can be difficult to answer. In this episode, we discuss 3 plant ingredients with just enough interesting testing data for us to say “this is worth trying”.2:10 | Bisabolol - soothing powerhouse derived from German chamomile7:45 | Turmeric extract and their surprising benefit for those with oily skin23:40 | Boswellia Serrata (I...

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