LÉ Blog

Salicylic vs Glycolic acid: Pros, Cons, How to Choose

When you first foray into the world of chemical exfoliation, two ingredients are bound to come up almost immediately: salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Salicylic acid is a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) often associated with acne, clearing skin congestion. On the other hand, glycolic acid is an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) that’s associated with smoother, brighter skin texture. So how do you know which one is right for your skin? Is one better than the other? Should you use one more both in your routine...

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Can you use glycolic acid with retinol?

The skincare world is never short of the newest, glitziest active ingredient vying for your attention. But while trendy ingredients can come and go, retinol and glycolic acid are two workhorse active ingredients that consistently top the chart. Both of these come with a rich history of clinical data on treating uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles. However, given that these are both heavy hitting actives that come with a risk for skin irritation, you might be wondering: can you actual...

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How do pimple patches work and what are the best ones?

Acne patches have emerged as a popular item to keep in your skincare arsenal. These handle little patches are positioned as a “break out in case of emergency” tool for quick, effective relief or your pimple. But how do they work really? In this blog, we’ll cover the science behind these nifty little patches, what to really expect from them, whether or not they can replace your topical acne treatments, and what are some of the best pimple patches on the market. How do pimple patches work? Pimp...

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Tretinoin vs. Retinol - Which one should you use?

Retinoids, molecules in the vitamin A family, are probably some of the most celebrated skincare actives out there. With a proven track record for addressing everything from acne to aging, retinoids are truly skincare’s glitziest superstars. Because of this stardom, the product landscape is filled with different retinoids to choose from, and it can be pretty confusing to choose just the right molecule for you. Let’s take a closer look at two of the most popular retinoids – tretinoin and retino...

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Is petrolatum bad for skin?

Petrlatum is an ubiquitous skincare ingredient perhaps popularized by good ol’ Vaseline. As common and historied as it is, it’s also one that often finds itself on top of many “dirty” lists. The two main reasons you might hear about petralatum nay-sayers are “it’s a carcinogen” and “it’ll clog your pores!”. These are some pretty serious accusations! But, as cosmetic chemists who have worked with petrolatum in formulas for years, we can say that these claims are not nearly as scary as they sou...

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How much niacinamide is too much niacinamide

As a skincare enthusiast, you’ve probably already heard of the irritation potential of heavy-hitting active ingredients such as retinol and glycolic acid. Niacinamide, on the other hand, gets touted as a highly efficacious yet vanilla, and gentle ingredient. But! When it comes to any ingredients, dose makes the poison… and the elixir. Most active ingredients have a tested effective range. Within that range, the ingredient should deliver those long-term benefits they promise without causing in...

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What is combination skin?

All of us have had to watch a commercial in which a smiling model applies a single product to their already-perfect skin? But you know this. We know this. Skincare commercials can definitely be fake news! There’s no magic cure-all formula that will be perfect for every inch of every single person’s face. More importantly, our skin is a dynamic creature, both person-to-person and zone-to-zone. In fact, most of us will experience skin change and experience different skin types in our lifetime. ...

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Should You Be Using PHA Gluconolactone Instead of Glycolic Acid?

There’s a (relatively) new chemical exfoliant in town – PHA (poly hydroxy acid) gluconolactone! It’s no secret that we love our AHAs (alpha hydroxy acid). These chemical exfoliants are tried and true ingredients, and we’re big proponents of them being used as staples in anyone’s routine to tackle anything from dry skin to wrinkles. That said, the gold standard AHA glycolic acid is not really made for everyone. For many people, glycolic acid may simply be too aggressive, leading to irritation,...

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